This has been a difficult week for the teachers of Clark County School District. I say teachers but that also includes the school nurses. We currently have not signed a contract for this school year and the union and district have been in arbitration for what seems forever. Either way it plays out there will be no winners and the school age children will suffer the most. Although I have only worked for the district going on 6 years, never in a million years did I ever imagine that employees would be treated this way. There is a possibility that the small raise we received back at the beginning of the year for graduate credits will have to be paid back. This will be retroactive back to Aug and it will all come out of our January checks. There is also a big possibility that although we had started this graduate program prior to all of this mess that we will not receive any type of compensation for our education or hard work. So as I am doing homework and trying to hang on, keep a positive attitude and just trying to stay focused it is extremely difficult.
I know in my heart of hearts that I am very blessed to have a job that I love. I do have a roof over my head, I did have supper and I am able to turn the heat on, turn the lights on, flush the commode and all of those things that we take for granted. I just need to give myself a pep talk while I am tying a knot in my tail to hold on to.
I need to find someone else to serve and forget about myself which will also eliminate some of the stress. Forgive me for sharing this very trying time, but life isn't always pleasant. Kind thoughts and prayers to all of you who are experiencing some overwhelming stress in your life tonight.
What can never be taken away from us is what we learned and the friendships we have made during this program. It's kind of like paying to go on Survivor, not winning the million, but taking away life changing lessons. It will all work out the way it's supposed to. Right now let's enjoy our accomplishement and count our blessings like you said. Can't wait to see your happy dance tomorrow :)